Automation of financial processes for BOSS Paints

The Customer

BOSS paints is a paint manufacturer with a focus on quality, service and sustainability. The family business with headquarters in Waregem was founded in 1945 and has since grown into a group of 291 employees who sell 3 million liters of paint per year via 60 Colora stores and 5 depots for professional customers.

The Challenge

The finance department of BOSS Paints was confronted with a number of repetitive, time-consuming processes. For example, for the daily validation and closing of the cash register transactions of 31 Colora stores in the central ERP package (D365), manual processing was always necessary. The daily booking of purchase invoices that come in via API also gave rise to a repetitive workload for the Finance employees.

The Solution

Robonext developed two RPA robots based on Microsoft Power Automate:

  • The cash transactions robot links the open invoice transactions per store and date in the D365 environment. It checks in the cash register system whether the start and end balance of the day correspond with the amounts in the D365 environment. For significant deviations, an email is sent to the Finance employees to inform them of this.
  • The invoice robot ensures daily processing of the purchase invoices in colora that are invoiced by BOSS paints, by booking them on the correct account and performing a number of checks in D365.

The Results

These two simple robots provide relief from the administrative workload. The Finance department saves approximately 35 hours per month with the two RPA robots.

In the words of Tom Vermaete, Business Analyst at BOSS paints: “Within the company, we are strongly committed to optimizing our processes. The implementation of RPA fits perfectly into this picture, where we are also looking for opportunities for which we can apply RPA. Within our Finance department, the focus of the input work is shifting to the interpretation of figures and expanding the partnership with our coloras. Robonext was the reliable partner for us who was able to offer us a well-developed solution through clear communication.”